1 - Getting ready to lead your group

Looking for templates and walkthroughs to help you get ready to lead your group? This is the place. It includes email templates, resources, support documents, etc.

2 - Helping Your Group Members Take Their next steps

Use this tool as a part of your spiritual development conversations. It helps to provide language to assist you and your group to assess where they are in their spiritual journey and how to take their next right step.

3 - Facilitate Your Group

Looking for snack signup sheets? This folder includes that, along with a number of other handy documents. 

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4 - Group tech

Not sure how to take attendance or see who is in your group?

rightnow media

Instead of purchasing books & dvds that may only be used once or twice, we invest in a service that is always on and always available for our church. It includes study resources, training and kids content. Explore, learn, grow.

local resources

There are times that someone in your group needs assistance but you’re not sure where to look. Local Resources is a list of hundreds of local services that help in a time of need.