Core Tools

Here are some tools you will need to access as a Westside staff or lead volunteer. 


Not sure how to use these tools? Explore the “Core Tools” training module on Westside +.



The 6 types of Working Genius is the tool our team uses to better understand how we work together and offer our best selves to the team.


The Westside Way

We believe we can move faster and have a bigger impact when we are all on the same page. That's why we've put these 5 videos together.

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Google Chat

Google Chat is our team's main communication tool. In includes a variety of subjects and is the place to look for and share information with our team. (Mobile & desktop apps also available.) Follow the instructions in the training to be added to our team’s ROOMs.

*Requires a Google login. See this help article to setup an account if you don’t have a gmail address.

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Church community Builder

Church Community Builder (CCB) is our Church Management System (ChMS), aka our database. It handles most (if not all) of our online process including follow up, volunteer scheduling, groups, giving, scheduling events, etc. Our church code is "westsidecommunity".


Google Drive

Google Drive is our team's online storage system. It is the cloud storage we use for all our photos, documents, spreadsheets, etc. Items stored here can be worked on from anywhere (home, office, mobile) and are easily sharable in tools like Azendoo. 



Asana is the tool we use to manage large projects and workflows as a team. Not every role needs to use Asana but it you are sharing task and workflows with other team members that need to know when parts of the project gets done, this is the tool we use to track that progress.


RightNow Media

RightNow Media is our online library of bible studies video content. It is also where you can find on going training and weekly sermon videos.

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Zenefits is the online tool our staff uses to manage W2, paid time off and health benefits.



Pex is a service we use that provides directors responsible for making purchases with a prepaid card. It replaces the need to be reimbursed for those purchases.