week 1
It’s week 1 of Westside’s ALL IN Growth Group study! We’re excited to be growing together as a church and taking our next steps toward Jesus. In week 1, we learned about Abraham, the hero of faith who radically followed God’s plan and was blessed beyond belief.
For the week starting 1/27.
Week 2
We’re in an exciting season as a church as we take steps to grow closer to Jesus. In week 2, we came face to face with one of the most dramatic moments in the New Testament. Peter was invited by Jesus to step out of the boat and onto the Sea of Galilee - to walk on water! Imagine being Peter, the first person (beside the Son of God) to try this stunt. That’s a big ask! And it’s not like it was staged. There were no harnesses, no life preservers, and no Coast Guard helicopters on standby. This was do or die. As far as Peter saw it, he was either going to walk on water, or he was going to drown in the storm.
For the week starting 2/3.
week 3
Are you having fun yet? Following Jesus was intended to be the most fulfilling thing we can do with our lives. Last weekend we looked at the life of one God-follower named Elisha, who made one drastic choice to put his pursuit of God’s purpose at the top of his list. Elisha made a bold decision to leave his bright future with the booming family business behind for something that he knew would be better: the adventure of doing God’s will. In fact, before the prophet Elijah interrupted Elisha’s career path, God had told Elijah to anoint Elisha as his successor -- without even consulting with Elisha about his own life. The fact is, God’s purpose for each of us was ordained before the beginning of the world, and He is calling us into something far greater than we could imagine.
For the week starting 2/10.
week 4
Last weekend we saw Jesus’ response to a sacrificial gift from an unlikely person. The woman who gave it had a horrible reputation, but she didn’t let that stop her from pouring out her most valuable possessions at the feet of Jesus. Something changes inside of us when we surrender our resources. We move from worshiping our own personal security to worshiping the only One who really deserves our devotion. And that surrender flips a switch in our lives that accelerates our spiritual growth in a unique and powerful way. Her courageous act of love ended up changing her own life in a big way. In fact, her story would go down in history as one worth telling.
week 5
You’re doing it! You’re taking next steps, growing closer to God and moving your spiritual life forward. Congratulations! By now you’re getting the hang of these times in your group, and we hope you’re feeling strengthened by the relationships and the time learning from the Bible. In this session we’re diving deeper into the story of “The Boy with the Lunch” from John chapter 6. This kid was a hero to thousands of hungry bystanders that warm, sunny afternoon on the shores of Galilee. We learn from him that anybody can be a hero if they just surrender what they’ve got to God. What’s funny about this story is that the schoolboy schooled the Disciples on how it’s done. You can learn a lot from a child, as we’re about to see…
Week 6
Over the past 6 weeks we’ve watched God do some pretty remarkable things with our lives. We’ve looked closely at the lives of men and women from the Bible who went ALL IN and experienced God’s power and blessings in their lives in ways we long to see for ourselves. We’ve learned what it means to be a disciple of Jesus - to hold nothing back and give Him everything we’ve got.